Child FIRST – Focus on Innovation and Redesign in Systems and Treatment

The links below provide access to a variety of resources intended to assist with screening and assessment of youth. Their availability is intended to help those working in healthcare, behavioral healthcare, and education to advance the mission of improving the lives of youth and families. Please be mindful of the terms guiding their appropriate use.

The instruments below and their derivative works (inclusive of translations) are copyrighted by the developers. They are available for download and use through this resource page at no cost to the user, but such use does not imply a perpetual free license to any individual or institution. Any download or use of these instruments implies that the user has read and agreed to the terms of use. Commercial distribution of these instruments in any form by a third party is prohibited, and this web page is the only official distribution source (users are encouraged to link to this page rather than distribute copies or derivatives internally, which could introduce inaccuracies). These instruments are available for research and educational purposes, and their professional use for any particular case is the responsibility of the user, at the user’s own risk. Please see user’s guides for specific terms of use for each instrument. 

My Thoughts about Therapy (MTT)

My Thoughts about Therapy (MTT) is a 35-item questionnaire with five 7-item subscales that represent the multidimensional REACH framework for characterizing treatment engagement (Becker et al., 2018; Chorpita & Becker, 2022). We encourage its use for both research and clinical purposes, but please read the latest user’s guide for terms. 

MTT User’s Guide (All Versions)   [updated on July 29, 2022]



MTT-Youth (US Spanish)

MTT-Caregiver (US Spanish)

MTT Single User Scoring Program V20220802 (.xls)

Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children

Description and Instructions 


PSWQ-C (Korean) 

PSWQ-C (Danish) 

PSWQ-C (Polish) 

Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale

NOTICE: As of August 2023, offical RCADS materials are now hosted at a new website, with support from the NIMH. Please visit for your future needs. We will leave copies of RCADS materials on this page as well until summer of 2024, at which point we will no longer host materials here. 

As always, all inquiries regarding the RCADS should be sent only to the following email address: Your email will be read and will receive a response in approximately 2 weeks or less.  

Thank you for using the RCADS in your work!

RCADS User’s Guide (All Versions)      [Updated on January 22, 2022]


Language Youth Version Caregiver Version
US English Download  Download 
Chinese Download  Download 
Danish Download  Download 
Dutch Download  Download 
Finnish Download  Download 
French Download  not available
German Download  not available
Greek Download  Download 
Icelandic Download  Download 
Japanese Download  Download 
Korean Download  Download 
Norwegian Download  Download 
Persian Download  Download 
Polish Male    Female  Download 
Slovene  Download  Download 
Portuguese Download  not available
Spanish Download  Download 
Swedish Download  Download 
Turkish Download  Download 
Urdu Download  not available


Language Youth Version Caregiver Version
US English Download  Download 
Danish Download  Download 
Dutch Download 25

Download 22

not available
Finnish Download  Download 
Hindi Download  not available
Norwegian Download  not available
Spanish Download  Download 
Swedish  Download  Download 


United States Norms

RCADS Child Version Scoring Program 3.3 (.xls) 

RCADS-Parent Version Scoring Program 3.3 (.xls) 

RCADS-25 Child Version Scoring Program 3.1 (.xls) 

RCADS-25 Parent Version Scoring Program 3.1 (.xls) 

SPSS Syntax for Batch Scoring (updated June 2022)

Icelandic Norms

RCADS Child Version Scoring Program 3.3i (.xls) 

RCADS-Parent Version Scoring Program 3.3i (.xls) 

Note: If you are using the RCADS outside of the US and wish to estimate US grade level for scoring purposes, subtract 6 from the age of the youth. For example, a 17-year old would typically be in 11th grade in the US.