Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Hawai’i SBBH Reaching Families FAQ page! If you cannot find an answer to your question, please email Kim Becker or Bruce Chorpita, and one of us will get back to you and post your question for others. Thank you for participating!

1. Where are we in the project right now?

Phase What to expect

Spring/Fall 2024

1. We will ask you some questions about yourself in an online survey

2. We will work with you to begin screening your cases and notify you so you can record your supervision meetings for a first student (Case 1) with engagement challenges.

Training 1

Fall 2024

1. We will visit for an in-person training event to introduce you to the Reaching Families toolkit

2. We will continue screening cases and notify you so you can record your supervision meetings for a second student (Case 2) with engagement challenges.

Training 2

Late 2024/Early 2025

1. We will visit for a second in-person training event to introduce you to the Reaching Families toolkit

2. We will continue screening cases and notify you so you can record your supervision meetings for a third student (Case 3) with engagement challenges.



We will gather with you once more to share what we learned from you and to celebrate our work together.

2. Where can I find instructions for study procedures, recording, or the student survey? 

You can download key documents for the Reaching Families study here:

3. Where do I upload my recordings? 

You can upload supervision meeting recordings to a secure location by clicking on this link and following the instructions that will appear in your browser.